Friday, August 28, 2009
To Do: August 28th-30th
Art: And Then There Are Those Who Think They Don't Exist works by Jeannie Lynn Paske is in it's final weekend at Frame Up Studios (3515 Fremont Ave N. Seattle, WA 98100). Paske creates beautifully delicate scenes of wistful and curious creatures using watercolor, charcoal & pastels. The artist also has a show opening next week at Columbus Ohio's Rivet Sept 5th- 30th.

Autolux and Mini Mansions @ Neumos
Sunday 8pm. Tickets available @ Ticketswest.

Ooba Tooba's Mexican Grill. Take a trip to the East Side and visit any one of Ooba's three locations in Redmond, Woodinville or Bellevue. Everything on their menu is super fresh and delicious and the black beans with crema agria are to die for. The only thing wrong with this place is trying to figure out what to order since it's all really great.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009

's charming robot's made from recycled and re-purposed materials could melt the heart of even the miserliest miser. They're chock full of expression and look like they'd each make the ultimate mechanical side kick. Artist Will W has been using reclaimed items in his art since the early 90's and helped to foster it's use in the Miami Design District where he opened a large workshop to showcase other reclamation artists. You can sometimes find work here from his Mom Mickey G a retired hair stylist and recycled fur coat teddy bear maker.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Kintzertorium on Blogger

Two Fools of Carnival
Originally uploaded by Kintzertorium

I was very happy to see this morning that one of my favorite Flickerites Kintzertorium is expanding his postings of early European engravings, woodcuts and rare manuscripts to a full blown blog here in September. Kintzer's Flickr photostream has been a welcome feed of inspiration and interest since I stumbled upon it about a year ago.

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Friday, August 21, 2009
To Do: August 21-23rd

Art: Travis Louie's "Portrait Of The Artist As A Young Monster" solo show opens tonight @ Roq La Rue and runs through Sept 5th. Eerie Woman and One Eyed Monsters take note.

Film: Quentin Tarantino's "Inglorious Basterds" opens at the Guild 45th Theatre. Grab some Molly Moon's Ice Cream before the show.

Eats: Tom Douglas' Serious Pie 316 Virginia Seattle, WA 98121 Cherry bomb peppers & sweet fennel sausage pizza sounds almost as good as the roasted mushrooms, truffle cheese pie.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009
<span class=SpiderWoman" width="325" height="241">

A stupendous collection of circus posters and images is being showcased at; boasting 8,000 posters, 7,000 photos and picture postcards in addition to books, magazines and programmes from the 1880's to present times. It's a virtual nirvana for any circus geek, freak and fan. The bulk of the collection comes from über-collector and circus historian Jaap Best. Best became mesmerized by the big top in the Netherlands at an early age and never looked back, amassing an amazingly thorough collection of printed ephemera. It is also the largest collection of Adolph Friedländer's work who from 1880-1930 was the premier producer of signage for the three ringed shows. The photos above and below are all examples of Friedländer's skills and are just a few of the treats that await if you're willing to step right up and take a peek.

<span class=HommePoisson" width="325" height="242">

<span class=Liliputaner" width="244" height="328">
Monday, August 17, 2009

I was reminded today while reading a great article on Paper n Stitch about the very cool and curious light boxes made by Christopher Elsasser aka Munstre. mr girlscare above is hands down my favorite although it was one of his medically themed boxes that first caught my eye.

The boxes come in two different sizes (mini & standard) and as wall sconces. There is also a series of one of a kind and specialty pieces.

You can check out Elsasser's work on Etsy @ or on his home page where you can also find t-shirts, prints and accessories of many of his designs.

There's a bevy of beautiful images both moving and still over at the website of New York based artist Walter Krudop. His delightful characters both human and otherwise traverse sepia and gossamer world's that are both familiar and foreign. Lovers of wide eyed robots and rocket ships rejoice.
Friday, August 14, 2009

If your in the SF Bay Area on Sunday Sept 27th and are hankerin for somethin' out of the ordinary to do, might I suggest the 2nd Annual Handcar Regatta. "Hand-built Railcar Races! A Splendid Celebration of Art, Science and Ingenuity, for the Delight and Edification of all who attend." are on the menu along with artisans, makers, & musicians. The Event is being held in Santa Rosa, CA at the Historic Railroad Square at 4th & Wilson Streets and is free to attend.

There's a must read post over on today that any photographer or fan of photography should read. Post 9-11 the amount of innocuous photographers being harassed and arrested for potential terrorist behavior is regrettably on the rise. It's a rather harrowing thought that my fascination with architecture and wanting to photograph architectural details could arouse suspicion with law enforcement, but photographers around the world are finding that their subject matter is making them persons of interest. A UK organization has just launched the Photographer Not a Terrorist campaign that gives information about the rights of individuals who find themselves being questioned by law enforcement and great stickers that proclaim I'm A Photographer Not A Terrorist. As friends of several urban explorers and street photographers I'd hate to think of any of them getting hassled for simply trying to capture the wonders of the world and it inhabitants. Or that photographs like those Walker Evans did in a three year long study of people on the NYC subway using hidden cameras could be an unthinkable thing of the past. Definitely food for thought.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Unconditional love Krampus
Originally uploaded by travis37a

If you're in Seattle the weekend of August 21st and are looking for something to do, might I suggest the opening of Travis Louie's "Portrait Of The Artist As A Young Monster" show at Roq La Rue. Louie has been producing a steady stream of lovable monster portraits for a few years and this show boasts the promise of larger and more ambitious works. The artist also has his first book coming out called "Curiosities" which looks like it it will be dropping around the same time. I've been a big fan of Louie's work for a few years and would love to have a collection of his work all bound up together, for me it would be like looking threw an old family photo album, that belongs to the monsters under the bed.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Shanghai Lil - 30 Page Keepsake Book and Archive (1)
Originally uploaded by Imogene Froward

Just posted the new line of keepsake books on Etsy. I know I'm biased but I can't help but being really excited. They came out even better than expected. The six new designs make up a mini "Decades" collection, that takes a visual journey from the 1920's till today. My current favorite is this 1940's film noir inspired design called "Shanghai Lil". I tried to capture the mood and style of each era and was inspired by the textile and jewelry design that was particular to each one. Here's a link to the collection.

A great piece on the virtues of consistent branding on that compares the logos of Coca-Cola and Pepsi over the last 123 years. Coke might not have won the blind taste challenge but they definitely win points for consistency of brand identity with very little changing in their iconic logo since 1885. The classic logo stills stands up today which can only help cement Coke's place as an advertising icon. Pepsi however, seems to have stayed true to the goal of tapping into the youth generation with several logo redesigns to "keep up with the times", just like their use of each decades "It" pop stars for commercials Pepsi seems to gravitate to the new, now, next train of thought when it comes to keeping their product on the consumer radar. At the end of the day it looks like both roads can lead to success, but neither are devoid of risks. With proper product and company branding a must in today's markets it's a good debate for any company to have before venturing into advertising.

work by alberto cerriteno
Originally uploaded by paperNstitch

Great find today on Paper n Stitch where you'll find an article about the fantastic illustration of Alberto Cerriteno. If you enjoy monsters and cephalopods you'll probably find as many new favorite art pieces as I did on his website His work as an Art Director/Animator for Walt Disney's Museum is also quite impressive and beautifully captures the whimsy and nostalgia of the early Disney works.